Scientists from the EUthyroid project fear that up to 50% of all new-borns in Europe do not reach their full cognitive potential due to iodine deficiency. Coupled with a deteriorating commitment of policymakers, there is a need to ensure that effective strategies to prevent IDD are implemented across Europe.
On the eve of the Krakow Declaration on Iodine, the EUthyroid consortium met for the fourth time for a project meeting on 17th April 2018 in Krakow, Poland.
39 representatives from 24 project partner institutions attended the meeting, providing all work package leaders the opportunity to discuss progress made in the 6 months that have elapsed the previous project meeting in Belgrade and to outline their detailed plans for bringing the project to a successful conclusion. Many regional managers also took the chance to present their activities and plans for the future.
With only 2 months remaining until the official end of the EUthyroid project on 31st May 2018, this meeting was perfectly timed to address the key themes of: successful completion of all project objectives, dissemination of EUthyroid outcomes, official reporting and opportunities for the continuation of EUthyroid beyond the end of the project.
The Krakow Declaration on Iodine was heavily promoted by many partners through distribution of press releases and endorsement of the declaration website through their networks. Activities such as these, by the many regional managers in the consortium were discussed alongside strategies for addressing policy makers at a national level across Europe to achieve as much impact as possible.

39 representatives from 24 project partner institutions attended the meeting to report on their national activities and discuss their research progress. © Jerzy Sawicz